Wednesday, July 31, 2019
A Picture is Worth a thousandââ¬Â¦Parts?
It is presumed that adults can not recognize a face in parts as easily as the complete facial structure.à It is presumed to be as such because adults recognize the features of an individualââ¬â¢s face more easily than the context of the facial patterns in isolation (762).This gestalt-like facial processing theoretically begins in infancy and has a developmental milestone that is disrupted if something delays or obliterates this phenomenon.à On television shows and in magazines I recall partial viewings of celebritiesââ¬â¢ faces and I almost never got it right.à Such is the finding of Young et al in 1987 study in which adults found it difficult to recognize the top half of a celebritiesââ¬â¢ face when it was alignedà with bottom half of a different face (762).à Some theorists believe there is an intimate ability to recognize faces.à However, this research study invalidates that theory.à A controlled experiment was done with patients that were born with or suffered from visual impairments at infancy.These participants were all less than seven months when visual acuity was affected.à Vision was later corrected and the experiment for holistic facial identification had commenced (765).To test for the gestalt-like effect, participants were asked to move a joystick forward if the top halves were the same and back if the top halves were different.à Composites were created by splitting face images horizontally across the middle of the nose, and then recombining the faces using the top and bottom halves of different individuals.à In the aligned position, the top and bottom were properly aligned.In the misaligned condition the top half was shifted horizontally to the left (764). à The results were astounding.à The group that had visual imperfections at infancy actually performed better than their control counterparts on same trials when faces were aligned (766).This group was also more accurate on different trials than on same t rials and did not vary with alignment (766).à This supports the theory that this ability is not innate.à Holistic face processing or a composite face effect was not a sustained ability of those with visual impairments at a critical time period.à Such patients fail to integrate facial features into a Gestalt (767).This experiment shows that early visual input is very critical for the normal development of facial processing.à It also raises the question of whether early vision is necessary to preserve the neural substrate that would allow training to induce the later development of holistic processing of non-face objects (767),à I find it rather interesting and this bizarre phenomenon begs the question of when the critical time period begins and ends.The article states that by age six, adult-like processing takes place.à It does not state if visual perception is disrupted after age six, if this ability for gestalt-like processing is still apparent.à Thus this expe riment does not prove that infancy is the critical time period or developmental milestone for this ability.To be sufficient, it would have to include a group of participants that had visual impairments later in life and the length of the impairment would have to be similar.à What about visual impairments for one and two year olds? This only mentions infancy from 3 to 6 months.This experiment is partial, at best.à I would also like to know how the control group compares to those who have visual impairments that have not been corrected.à Are such people able to recognize faces aligned and misaligned with similar circumstances? These are critical points to validate and substantiate the findings of this experiment.
Tuesday, July 30, 2019
How to Live a Successful Life
How to Live a Successful Life As a Student To live a successful life as a student is to accomplish the goals that we have set to accomplish. Many students wanted to take advantage of school and to be someone. All good students work hard to the challenge to learn more and to change themselves every day. We all experience some sort of education during our lifetime, whether we succeed or fail. To live a successful life as a student there are a few guidelines we should follow. First be a responsible student.Second acquire the skill we need to succeed in our education and third to have a good study practice. These three guidelines will help to ensure a successful and happy life as a student. The first step to live a successful life as a student is to be responsible student. To be a responsible student, the student must attend class every day that helps success as a student. A student should be present physically and regularly in school. It also means being in a position to hear and see th e teacher.They need to sit closer to the teacher helps maintain concentration while the class is in session and listen to the material as it is discussed in class. Attending class also will ensure that you familiarize yourself with the knowledge you gain and that knowledge will be easily remembered when it is needed. Attend class regularly will help in learning the material and also in getting familiar with the teacher. Knowing the teacher is really important especially in preparation for the exam.It will help the student know what to prepare for the test when studying. The lecture giving by the teacher usually is a summary of the textbook. When revising for the exam, it will be a lot easier for the student to cover the material. The next step to live a successful life as a student is to have a good study practice. Having a good study practice starts by know our own good learning styles. These learning styles are important to become a successful student, because everyone has differe nt way of learning and understanding.Once we have get our own way of learning strategy then we can become successful and do the best as a student. Knowing what our good part and bad part are can also make us more effective. Successful students work really hard to achieve their goals by investing time and energy in their studies. These hard works bring self-esteem and much personal satisfaction. Towards achieving these goals, every student who wants to be successful should consider to form a study group.When students work in groups, they have the opportunity to explain concepts, discuss ideas, disagree with one another and reason through why one personââ¬â¢s answer is different from another. It also allows students the opportunity to see how other students work with course concepts and what strategies they use to show the meaning of the course material. Additionally, studying with other students can make learning the material more enjoyable and serve as a stress-release, especiall y before an exam.The other way to live a successful life as a student is to acquire the skill we need to succeed in school. Time management is a very essential way for student to think about. Organize our time between school, work and our social life very carefully. To be a successful student we must balance our free time to be sure to have a lot of time for our education. Being able to manage our time well gives us a competitive advantage over our friends. We get more done assigned ourselves to other more important assignments for future.
Monday, July 29, 2019
485 Forensic Law Midterm Exam
The most important fact that makes forensic evidence circumstantial is because science cannot be clearly defined by law. The legal system have created standards and written legal rules regarding the admissibility of forensic evidence. When forensic evidence that is presented in court is rarely unaccompanied by an expert witness to provide the court room with a professional explanation backing the reliability of the forensic process used to collect the relevant evidence. This is one the major obstacles in the modern courtroom. Expert witnesses are intended to provide the court with a detailed description of the forensic evidence being presented and how that evidence was analyzed through the use of forensic science. This makes an expert witnessââ¬â¢s testimony a testimony to probability and circumstance, rather than actual fact. Consequently, the forensic evidence that is presented is ruled as circumstantial. The primary reason that science cannot be clearly defined by law is the rate of change and new theory that occurs regularly in science. There have been numerous cases where scientific evidence is found to be incorrect or inconclusive when it is admitted into evidence. This is a major concern for the courtroom as false convictions are detrimental to the integrity of the judicial system. Admissible forensic evidence is most always considered circumstantial so that there must be other forms of evidence to support the conclusion made from the forensic evidence to make a ruling. 2. Explain ways in which an opposing attorney can challenge an expertââ¬â¢s testimony in court. The primary goal of an attorney during cross examination is to destroy the credibility of a witnessââ¬â¢s testimony. Expert witnesses are held to a different standard during trial and are considered professional witnesses as they speak on the behalf of a professional opinion and understanding of the information being presented; rather than the account or an experience. Regardless of who they witness is, it is important the Federal Rules of Evidence are upheld during cross examination. There are multiple rules against the presentation of past history of witness and attack of their personal character. That being said, an attorney may reference background and qualifications of an expert witness disprove the creditably of the witness as a professional in the field they are giving testimony to. An attorney may do this by researching the expert or the field that they practice and present them question that may cause they to refute their previous testimony or have no answer to a question. Causing an expert witness to look confused or untruthful on the stand shows the jury that jury that their testimony may not be credible or the judge has the authority to dismiss the witness completely. Another approach that is commonly executed during cross examination by an attorney is challenging of the validity and probativity of the expert witnesses testimony. Attorneys may focus on the limitations of the testimony and attempt to show the jury that the testimony is insignificant and inconclusive to show any benefit in proving or disproving any evidence or a fact at trial. An attorney may also challenge the purpose of the testimony. If the attorney can ask questions that show the testimony is insignificant and is not being used to prove or disprove evidence. Then the attorney may be able to have the judge dismiss the testimony. 3. Explain exactly what makes a witness an expert witness and provide an example of a specific forensic science expert witness. Also, explain what scientific expert opinion is and what is required before a court will allow this type of special testimony. An expert witness is considered an expert according to their credentials in the professional field that they are testifying in accordance with. Expert witnesses are used by attorneys to give professional opinion and explanation of information that the common individual would otherwise have no understanding of. Searching the web I discovered SEAK a website devoted to compiling information on expert witness. All of the expert witnesses listed on the site have been previously used in cases to provide testimony to specific evidence that is within the parameters of their expertise and professional credentials. Jill Kessler Miller is a great example of a specific expert witness. Jill resides in Southern California and is an expert in forensic science and dogs. She has testified in nine trials over the past four years. She has had over twenty-five years of experience with training dogs. She has a college degree in English and a graduate certification in Animal Policy Advocacy. The site also lists the multiple specific topics she gives testimony to. This is a great example of an expert witness because she lists are her professional credentials and specific fields that she will testify about in court. Dog bites and veterinary forensics are her direct links to forensic evidence. An expert witnessââ¬â¢s expertise, training and special knowledge of a subject allows them to be give opinion is court. There is an exception to the rule against witnesses presenting anything but fact. Regardless, an expert witnessââ¬â¢s opinion must be unbiased and bases solely on their special knowledge, train, and expertise in the field. The opposing attorney also has the right to confrontation to this opinion. 4. Explain in general how forensic evidence and analysis of this evidence can aid investigators in determining what took place at a crime scene. How would this information be helpful to an investigation? There are multiple different disciplines of forensic evidence and each different of discipline of forensic evidence can assist investigators to analysis specific evidence to identify its significance in the investigation. When a crime occurs an investigator arrive at the scene of the crime there first set it collect and document all the evidence found at the scene of the crime that looks like it make be out of place or help draw connections to the culprits of the crime. If hair, fibers, fingerprints, tire tracks, bite marks, etc. are found at a crime scene those materials or makes are correct and examined through the use of forensic evidence. The goal of forensic evidence is to analysis the materials collected and draw connections through science to link specific individuals or objects to the crime scene by matching the scientific components. This information is helpful to an investigator because it can provide time estimates of when the crime occurred, if the crime occurred at the location, who may be involved, what may have been used to commit the crime, etc. , but overall what caused the crime to occur. 5. Identify ten separate areas of forensic science that would commonly be utilized at a crime scene investigation and give a brief explanation of each. Hair analysis is the examination of human or animal hair. Forensic science is able to distinguish the difference between the two. Depending on the sample and if the follicle is still attached, science can recover DNA from the hair. Difference can also be made between what area of the body hair originated from. Fiber analysis is the examination of man-made fibers. Forensic science is able to identify through different processes the origination object a fiber may have come from and also may be able to identify what action cause the final location of the fiber. Fiber location can be a good indicator of a struggle or specific actions during a crime. Tread analysis is the examination of treads or tire marks. Upon discovery treads or tire marks are photographed and sometimes casted for examination. These photographs or casts are analyzed to determine the type of vehicle the treads could have come from. Ballistic analysis is the examination or firearms and ammunition. When cases involve firearms and ammunition, ballistic science is used to identify the characteristics of the ammunition discovered and link it to the type of firearm or exact firearm through the identification or rifling in the barrel or the firearm. Glass analysis is the examination of glass. Forensic science can examine glass to identify its refractive characteristics or composition to connect it to other samples of glass collected. There are numerous types of glass and forensic science is able to assist in identifying and matching samples. Paint analysis is the examination of paint samples. Forensic science is used to link paint samples recovered and link those samples to a source of origin. Paint analysis is common to link vehicles and weapons to a crime. Soil analysis is the examination or soil particles. Forensic science can identify even minute traces of soil particles and identify its characteristics, possibly origin. Footprint analysis examines the foot or shoe impressions. Forensic science can indicate through photographs or castings the size of foot, if it is human or animal in origin, if the speed of the individual, type of shoe the individual was wearing. Fingerprint analysis examines human fingerprints. Each individual person has different fingerprints and forensic science can examine one fingerprint and link it to a specific individual. Blood spatter analysis is the examination of blood and how it arrived at its discovered location. Forensic science can analysis blood spatter to indicate the origin of the blood and what may have taken place in what direction and matter to cause the specific patterns of blood discovered. 6. What can a forensic scientist/expert ascertain from hair samples located at a crime scene or on a victim? What would the expert be able to testify to upon analysis of these samples? Hair evidence is commonly discovered at the crime scene because both humans and animal are always shedding hair. The important job or hair forensic analysis is to discover the origins of the sample collected. If a hair sample still have a follicle attach it is possible for a forensic scientist is acquire a DNA pattern from the hair. The characteristics of a hair sample will also indicated the type of hair and location of the body where the hair would have originated from. Examination of the hair root can indicate whether the hair was removed through force or naturally shed by the body. At trial the expert may testify to the all the characteristics able that are possible to discover through a hair sample. Also, an expert may testify to the location of hair and how the characteristics of the hair sample may indicate a certain type of behavior for that hair to be found in the location it was. For example, if a male pubic hair is found in the location or a female genital area then that may be an indication of sexually deviancy. All of this testimony would be circumstantial and only a presentation of possible reasoning for hair characteristics and location. 7. How was fiber evidence utilized to convict Wayne Williams in the Atlanta Child Killing murders? Williams was convicted using seven different fiber and hair associations to the victim Jimmy Ray Payne. Payne was found in a river, but his cloths still retained fibers that were left on the body from his contact with Williams. The medical examiner was able to recover these fibers and sent them in for forensic testing. Through forensic testing it was found that two different fiber strands were consistent with the characteristics of Williamsââ¬â¢ bed spread and bedroom carpet. Other fibers retrieved from Payne were consistent with Williamââ¬â¢s car. Other fibers where connected to various fibers throughout Williamsââ¬â¢ home. Once the fibers were from Payne were linked to Williams, the FBI examined the fiber evidence from eleven other victims and through consistencies between all the fibers that were collected where able to link Williams is some way to all twelve murders through the fibers evidence. 8. How can certain marks located on a bullet be analyzed and used to help determine the exact gun from which the bullet was fired? Each individual firearm is created baring its own rifling. Rifling is the groves located within the barrel of a gun that assist the bullet to spin while exiting the gun and pierce through the air without wavering or tumbling. The rifling of the gun leaves distinct marks on the bullets that allow the bullet to be traces the specific rifling of the gun that shot the bullet. If there is no gun present to be directly compared to the bullet, rifling can also being used to identify the specific caliber or mark of the firearm used to fire the bullet. 9. How could glass or paint evidence be used to help solve a hit-and-run motor vehicle accident? What would the forensic expert be able to testify to when comparing glass or paint located at the scene in order to trace paint or glass evidence located on a suspectââ¬â¢s vehicle? Paint and glass evidence can be crucial in linking suspects and vehicles used in hit-and-run crimes. In most hit and run cases, when a vehicle strikes an individual or object traces of paint and glass may be transferred from the vehicle to the individual or object that was struck. Paint evidence is limited to the size or the sample and amount of paint transferred during contact. If the paint characteristics are identified, then those characteristics can be used to link the sample to the type or paint and color. If paint and color can be found and glass samples are left at the scene of a hit and run it is likely that the type of vehicle can be identified. Different types make, models, and types of vehicles utilize different types of glass in the construction of the vehicle. Glass forensic evidence can use glass sample taken from the scene to identify the type of glass and compare it to other samples to indicate possible origins of the sample. An expert witness cannot directly implicate a suspect in a crime by the glass or paint evidence from the scene of the crime and sample taken from the suspect vehicle. However, the expert witness can testify that the samples from the suspectââ¬â¢s car and the evidence collected from the scene have the sample characteristics. Also, an expert may be able to show that the damage or striations found at the scene could indicate that the carââ¬â¢s damage could have been directly caused by striking the individual or object involved in the hit-and-run.
Political Leadership Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words
Political Leadership - Research Paper Example Shapiro (2007) has also pointed out that administration is a mere part of leadership because relying on administration solely makes a leadership style repetitive, predictable and vulnerable to macro environmental changes. To understand political leadership, one has to understand the multi-causal social processes which create the drive for leadership. Greenstein (2006) has defined political leadership as the subtype of human social leadership. An individual cannot define political leadership or grasp the normative prescriptions of political leadership without enquiring about values, power relations attitudes and action of leaders in cultural-institutional and historical context (Peele, 2005). In the political leadership, both leaders and followers pass through the casual but circular sequence of power exchange and motivation building (Walzer, 2007). However, Peele (2005) has argued that political leadership is a widely experienced phenomenon but understanding about the phenomenon is p retty much tacit in nature. For example, phenomenon such as war between countries, central human rights controversies, Olympic rivalries etc might act as situations which deal with political leadership. One thing is clear from the argument of research scholars that it is very difficult to create a standardized definition of political leadership due to involvement of both institutional and historical contexts. Ruscio (2004) has rightly stated that no political leadership concept is complete without the understanding its role on democratic government. For example, throughout the history of mankind, societies have asked for certain rules and procedures in order to create a practical framework which can represent the interest of democratic society.... This paper stresses that Readers of this research paper might question that why the researcher has not yet provided a concrete definition of political leadership? Well, the fact is that definition of political leadership changes from country to country. For example, a political leader with a sentimental and compassionate is ideal choice in Indian context but the same leader would be viewed as failure in Russian cultural context. According to Vigoda, Elgie and Peele, a political must have characteristics such as, 1- a strong ethical character and personality which can synchronize with ethical-cultural character of subordinates, 2- a constructive agenda for solving a particular problem, 3- interpretive judgment to define a situation to followers and 4- the material or intangible technique to mobilize the support of followers. However, there is no doubt that political leadership has direct connection with military, law authority or ideological leadership hence it will not be wrong to as sume that political leadership is modified version of social leadership. This report makes a conclusion that it is evident from the above discussion that responsibility of a political leader differs along with the political environment of a country. For example, behavior of a democratic political leader significantly differs from an autocratic leader. The researcher is begging pardon of the readers for emphasizing more on democratic aspects of leadership in contrast to other aspects. But, it was a matter of personal choice for the researcher and the researcher believes that democratic political leadership is flexible enough to fit into modern business environment.
Sunday, July 28, 2019
Should Child Labor Be Permitted or Not in Third World Countries Essay
Should Child Labor Be Permitted or Not in Third World Countries - Essay Example Proponents of child labor have argued their case through the prism of economics. This group support child labor on the following grounds. First, some of them argue that child labor helps a family to earn extra income, as many jobs are low paying. This presents a complex situation in which governments find it difficult to enforce policies on education. Others have also argued that child labor in developing countries prepares the children to be responsible. They claim that since there are limited formal employment opportunities, it is good for the child to learn a means of survival. In some instances, such proponents of child labor also argue that traditionally, African families were polygamous and large. Parent and children tilled land together, planted together and reaped. Boys were supposed to herd animals as girls did domestic chores. In Asian countries, child labor may be seen in the form of working in rice plantations and other informal settings. Another emerging argument in mode rn times with respect to education is that the cost of living has risen, and some parents cannot afford education for their children. Rather than be idle, they argue that taking them to work offers the best solution for their unique challenges. Where the government has subsidized tuition fee in education, proponents of child labor argue that they still have to meet other expenses. They point out that it is still equally difficult to raise the boarding fee, money for uniform, shoes and other supplementary requirements and still put food on the table. Even so, the so-called benefits of child labor are just justifications. Child labor indeed has a bigger negative side. First, scholars have observed that child labor denies the child the right to grow up as any other child should (Das and Biswal, 2012). These scholars observe that child labor socializes the child with the adult population, as opposed to growing up with peers. This is harm to the childââ¬â¢s social development. Some scholars have also pointed out that child labor leads to exploitation of the child. They argue that employers underpay and exploit at their various places of work. In the end, many of them do not see the full benefit of their toil. In Asia, there have also been reports of children being exploited in sex tourism (Aziz and Iskandar, 2013). I would oppose child labor in all its form.
Saturday, July 27, 2019
Prince of Hijaz and Ottoman Empire Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words
Prince of Hijaz and Ottoman Empire - Essay Example Ottoman Empire in Arab peninsula extended over four centuries, and with an authority that fluctuated in terms of strength and weakness. Further, this period also saw the rise of the Saudi Kingdom referred to as Al Saud. The alliances that were later formed in this region resulted in the expansion of Saudi and which provides impetus to the Saudi Arabian dynasty in the present day. The history of the Prince of Hejaz and Ottoman Empire also provides the reader with insight of when the Saudi state was created. However, this state was later destroyed by Mohammed Ali Pasha. This later contributed to the establishment again of a smaller Saudi state that existed in Nejd. However, throughout the 19th century, Al Saud continued to pursue for control of the interior lands and which, later formed Saudi Arabia and ruled by the Al Rashid. Later in the 20th century, the hold on power by Ottoman Empire begun to collapse, this period also marked the rise to power by Ibn Saud who ruled over Riyadh, and specifically Nejd. This led to Al Saud coming back from exile in Kuwait and settled in Nejd. The rise into power enabled Ibn Saud to gain support from the Ikhwan that was a tribal army which, derived influence from Wahhabism. The local army looked upon Ibn Bijad and Faisal Al-Dawish for leadership, this army was founded in 1912 and allowed Ibn Saudi to gain strength over the Ot tomans. Further, a revolt by the unified Arabs around 1916 to 1918 contributed to the demise of Ottoman Empire and their control over Arabia. This article is an important source for this topic in the sense that it describes the history of Ibn Saud also referred to as Abdual Aziz Ibn Saud. Further, this article provides information regarding Nejd which, is considered to be an Ancient land in the Arabian Peninsula. Through this article, the reader is also able to understand where the Islam religion originated. However, later on, this
Friday, July 26, 2019
Final Exam Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words - 3
Final Exam - Assignment Example claimed that in his reflections on self, he realized that it was impossible for him to have a unified impression of self without the particular perceptions; Hume argued that when he tries to think about the concept of self, what he stumbles upon are particular perceptions such as heat or cold, love or hate, or pleasure or pain. For this reason, therefore, Hume concluded that there is no self, but what we call self is merely a bundle of sensations In his view of the self, Immanuel Kant refuted Humeââ¬â¢s argument that we cannot have an idea of the self. In his epistemology, Immanuel Kant held that there are two sources of human knowledge. i.e. sensibility and understanding. This view is contrary to Humeââ¬â¢s view; Hume held that sensibility is the only source of human knowledge. For Kant, sensibility gives us objects, while the understanding thinks and reasons about the given objects. In his epistemology, therefore, Kant was of the view that it is indeed possible for us to have knowledge of things which have no direct impressions. For Kant, therefore, by looking for the self I in sense impressions, Hume is looking for the self in the wrong place. For Kant, the self is the entity that unifies human experiences, thus enabling human mind to synthesis sense perceptions. By saying that existence precedes essence, Sartre meant that human beings are the ones who make up, as it were, their essence. For Sartre, human beings are not determined, from the moment of their birth, what they will be in life. For this reason, therefore, Sartre viewed human beings as existing first before they determine what they will be in life. For Sartre, human beings are born with the freedom and the possibility to become whatever they want to become in life, i.e. human beings are born with the freedom and the ability to form their own essence. For Sartre, therefore, existence in human beings precedes essence. This view of human beings, however, makes human beings different from inanimate objects
Thursday, July 25, 2019
Reincarnation Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Reincarnation - Essay Example Reincarnation appears to have caught the thoughts of many and the notion receives frequent mentions in popular books, feature films and popular music.( Stevenson, 37) Discussion Written by Doctor Jim B. Tucker the book ââ¬ËLife before lifeââ¬â¢ is a scientific analysis of kidsââ¬â¢ memories of former lives. The book brings forth an overview of over forty years of reincarnation investigation which was done at the ââ¬Å"University of Virginia division of personality studiesâ⬠. in addition the book also deliberates over birth defects and birthmarks that look like those of a departed person who is recognized in a child. Doctor Jim is an apprentice of the late Doctor Ian Stevenson who back in the 1960ââ¬â¢s started printing case studies of kids who remembered alleged previous life memoirs. From then on Dr. Tucker, Dr. Stevenson and their associates have put together an incomparable number of study cases in which young kids usually between age 2 and 8 spontaneously analyz ed experiences and memoirs of a post presence. The kids often delivered an extensive amount of evidence which included places and specific names from an alleged past life, birthmarks and facts of certain events from that life to back up the idea that a part of their awareness have somehow remained intact and have been passed on from a previous life to another. The cases became more captivating when a certain personality of a supposed past incarnation is successfully discovered normally by the child, family or neighbors. Dr. Tucker brings forth his findings clearly and systematically all the way through the book, for example in a specific chapter he would begin by summarizing a specific sequence of kid sââ¬â¢ cases with a similar character, e.g. occurrence of a birthmark on the kid that resemble to injuries of the kidsââ¬â¢ previous character or even existence of printed records describing a kids reports that are dated earlier than the kidsââ¬â¢ supposed previous character i s recognized after thoroughly outlining the cases, he goes further to discuss the possible substitute explanations to reincarnation for those cases (ordinary explanations which include faulty memory, fraud, coincidence or paranormal explanation e.g. possession) and then he further goes to conclude if reincarnation offers the most convincing explanation for each individual case. He takes the reader on a universal voyage into regions of the globe with hugely differing views on reincarnation, into homes infiltrated by widely-differing socio-economic conditions and into the lives of kids with very diverse stories. Nevertheless, his assumption that reincarnation as he describes is the most conceivable explanation for most of precise cases and definitely in the frame of cases as a whole, remains unwavering all through the book. Of tuckers In most of Doctor Tuckers cases, the amount of material supposedly recalled by the kid in question is quite amazing. in one certain case, Doctor Tucker tells of a kid from whom even before he was three years old began telling her life as a vendor of incense in a community approximately a hundred and forty five miles away. For 4 years she stated specific details about the life she had led as this gentleman including the exact type of incense he had sold (a type unavailable to and somewhat unknown in the township where that girl lived), the exact location where he lived, the identity of his mother, names of his wife and the
Wednesday, July 24, 2019
Issues and Risks of the Performance a Management System in the Merged Coursework
Issues and Risks of the Performance a Management System in the Merged Organization - Coursework Example Implementing a single performance management system would not be appropriate to measure the performance of all employees due to the differences in their competencies and skills. Since the performance management system would have its own rating parameters, there are chances that it could be fair for some individuals and unfair with some. This is because staffs perceive fairness with regards to comparisons. Employees compare inputs with one another, such as their efforts and expertise, their job performances and compensations with other employees. Due to the disparity in skill levels and the varying levels of inputs, efforts or expertise among employees, the performance evaluating parameters would be improper indicators of actual performance levels and productivity. Some employees are likely to get overrated while some of them would remain underrated. This would appear to be unfair for staffs which would eventually render the system ineffective. It is important that the performance man agement system measures the different activities accurately. If they do not, then the system results would differ from the actual results which would give its managers an inaccurate picture of the conditions of the firm and results of their decisions. All members from the two organizations might not be equally educated and updated about the use of the system. All managers might not be adept in a single technology which can cause differences in the ways they use or operate the system. This could also arouse differences they interpret results or outcomes of measurements. Improper and inaccurate ratings can generate out of difference in assessments methods and techniques which can yield inaccurate results in the system (Markus, 2004, p.6-10). Mitigating risks of the performance management system in the merged organization Firstly, it must be ensured that parameters for measuring performance must be based on fairness and equality. The different skills, expertise and competencies of staf fs must be measured through different parameters in order to yield unbiased and accurate results. Aspects like extent of criticality of tasks, difficulty of work activities, time taken for performing a particular work activity must be considered while measuring task performances. It is essential to train staffs and employees on the new system of performance management. The first step must be to educate staffs with regards to the importance of the system and make them understand the key concepts, terminology and best practices. It is crucial to clearly set out environmental and personal factors required for delivering top performance and the importance of supervisors to facilitate a high performing work environment in the organization. One method to eliminate discrepancies in use of parameters is to include a structured and quantitative approach. This is particularly effective in cases where the performance management is likely to be used as an input to a pay for performance scheme. Ideally, it is crucial to associate a certain weight to the job accountability and accountability in proportion to its importance and also each relevant competencies and skills if the organization wishes to reward certain behaviors. It is important to align the system with the organizational objectives and goals. Skills which are critical for the attainment of those
Tuesday, July 23, 2019
Many Nations Native Americans Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Many Nations Native Americans - Essay Example There is a group of Cherokee people that want to stay in their homelands spearheaded by Principal Chief John Ross. The opposition to the removal of the Cherokees was justifiable and was based on a valid argument. Initially, all the Cherokees were united in opposing the removal from their ancestral homelands. Even after the 1832 court ruling that Cherokees should be allowed to live in their ancestral lands, the government has not heeded. The land lottery that was enacted in 1830 is being implemented, where citizens of Georgia are the beneficiaries of the Cherokeeââ¬â¢s land. The Cherokees attempted to fight for themselves with the government on the opposition. Despite some of the Cherokees having no hope in that they will regain their land, a group of them was totally opposed to the removal. One of the strong believers that the Cherokees should not be removed from their homeland was Principal Chief John Ross. He had support from the majority of the people. However, a rift among the people created instability to the Cherokee government. Various advantages helped the group that was opposed to the removal to be dominant and stronger. Firstly, under the Principal Chief John Ross they had a control of the Cherokee government. This means that rebels were thrown out of the government once they were known. Secondly, they were the majority; in this case, the people behind Principal Chief John Ross were much more than those that attempted to collaborate. This ensured that the rebellion became stronger. Thirdly, the elite among the Cherokees supported non-removal. These include Principal Chief John Ross, his brother among other leaders that were more enlightened. Despite their concerted efforts, the non-removal delegation was defeated because both the federal and state governments supported it. Upon the ratification of the Treaty of new Echota by the Senate, the battle was lost despite the push by Ross and his leadership. In
Group Working Skills Essay Example for Free
Group Working Skills Essay As itââ¬â¢s saying Two Heads Are Better Then One, what if there were more than two, people prefer working with their friends, or others in a group to achieve their goals easier, but nowadays even studies require a group work, and sometimes the member of it will be chosen randomly, so they would probably face so many problems that would affect achieving their goals, those problems can be developed with some strategies and dynamic that Iââ¬â¢m going to provide and analyse it with an example. In my Business foundation year I have been required to work in a group to do a Business Plan that represent 40% from the final grade, the group was chosen randomly, I faced some problems during the work that affected our group working, the main ones are related to Organisation or structure the group more specifically on NORMs, and COHESIVENESS. Payne,E. and Whittaker,L (2000) argued that GROUP DYNAMIC is the name given to the way that a group deals with factors that affect it from within itself; there is some aspects to a group that can be identified such as, Norms, Goals, Roles, Size, Cohesiveness, and Structure of it. The aim of this essay is to discuss an example of my previous group work, and analyse it according to group dynamic concepts. As I mentioned being in a group required to do Business Plan, the group goal was to present a new idea of a product in the UK, and explain how to set it up, and count the expenses and market it as we learned, however it was important to us because the work was 40% value from the final mark. In the group there were 6 members, so the group was required to do a final presentation of the business plan, and we also was required to meet twice a week. First we faced Two main problems, this work was require some creativity and different ideas, and some of the members were too quiet and they donââ¬â¢t like to share their ideas with other members on the group specially in marketing the product part, so we had some problem in Organisation and Structure, mostly in structure which Payne, Whittaker(2000,p:60) defend it as ââ¬Å"some type of a group structure will arise spontaneously because most student feel more comfortable given a framework within which to work. â⬠Also Payne,E. nd Whittaker,L (2000) argued that whether if the members of the group consciously aware of some certain problems of structures aspect happens to some members of group or not, but the other will be influenced from their patterns behaviour, and in all groups this kind of behaviour are mainly unwritten, and majority of patterns accept it without realising it, these behaviour called Norms. To avoid such a problem and develop the work, according to Pyne, Whittaker,(2000,p:62) argued that ââ¬Å"Norms always develop in groups and will control or inhibit the behaviour of individual members in a particular set of circumstance. In solving this kind of problems Payne,L. and Whittker,L(2000) belive that there are ways in norms to develop the work and group may come with a particular develop norm to encourage everyone to work and perform high quality of work, and norms always there exist even if the group was not aware of it. In solving and avoid this particular problem happened, in group is good to have Coordinator For example, Coordinator will join members ideas and suggestion together and coordinate the activities. Other problem that we faced was, because half of the member were holding same nationality, the other members find it difficult to deal with them or even to get knowing them more, because they were always together and prefer to speak in their own language, so the group faced a problem with COHESIVENESS, as it argued is a good dynamic to develop a group, Payne, Whittaker(2000,p:65) ââ¬Å"Cohesiveness is generally used to refer to the degree to which members desire to stay in the group and express agreement with the group goalsâ⬠. But there was also some disadvantages of Cohesiveness that related to the problems that we faced, Payne, Whittaker(2000,p:66) argued that ââ¬Å"Too much similarity of the behaviour of group members leading to increased cohesiveness, can actually be detrimental to performanceâ⬠. So Developmental Stages of group provide stages that would help solving Cohesiveness disadvantage mentioned above, which is in stage one GETTING TO KNOE YOU, Payne, Whittaker,(2000P:67) argued ââ¬Å"Group member will attempt to discover which behaviour are acceptable and unacceptable. This is a period of getting to know each other, deciding on goals to pursue, and getting organised. â⬠To conclude, I believe that working in group require so many dynamic that helps the members in achieving the group goal easier, while doing so each member will face less problems in working. As it mentioned in the essay about two dynamic that will develop the group unity was setting up some norms that will help and encourage other member to produce high quality of work, and the first stage in developmental stages of groups, which was Getting To Know You stages that argued how to accept and unaccepted members behaviour and decide the goals to peruse. On other hand each group must be aware of problem facing to avoid such problems affecting in their goal achievement.
Monday, July 22, 2019
Two detective stories Essay Example for Free
Two detective stories Essay For my English coursework I am going to explain the similarities and the differences between the two detective stories The Speckled Band written by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle and Forever After written by Jim Thomson. The Speckled Band was written in 1892, the detective in this story was none other than the famous Sherlock Holmes. The story was set in the 1890s so the people reading it at the time could relate to the story. Jim Thomson wrote Forever After but in this story there was no famous character, Jim Thomson had to create all of the characters from new. This means he had more flexibility to write the story. Conan Doyle was English and Jim Thomson was American. Obviously this would change the style of writing. Also The Speckled Band was written in 1892 and Forever After was written in 1960 so there was a large difference in the time it was written. This also means that the style of writing is different. The difference in age will also mean that when people read the story now, it will greatly affect how they can relate to it. In they1890s the people could relate to the speckled band because they where living in the same situation and the same lifestyle, but that was a long time ago so when people look at it now they might not be able to understand the situations and circumstances that they where in. The way of life has changed considerably. In the speckled band was written in the normal way of writing detective stories. There is a detective, a shady, typical villain, a spooky house, a suspect, many red herrings and a very difficult mystery to solve. The surprise in the story is when the mystery has been solved. Holmes already has a reputation before you even pick up the book. This gives Conan Doyle the advantage of not having to create a character. Dr Watson starts off the book by talking about all of the seventy odd mysteries he has witnessed his friend Sherlock Holmes investigate and solve. The he singles out one story in particular that he remembers this is the story of the speckled band. This makes you think that this story is special and is different from all of his other stories if this is the story, which he remembers in particularly. The story begins and a strange woman has arrived one early morning at Sherlock Holmess house. The author describes her as a lady heavily veiled and dressed in black. This told me that she is possibly mourning someones death; this creates a very dark and scary atmosphere, it also makes the reader very curious. This early arrival also makes the reader wonder what story this woman has arrived to tell and her appearance gives the impression that it could be a dark and frightening tale.
Sunday, July 21, 2019
The Story of an Hour Kate Chopin
The Story of an Hour Kate Chopin The early 1900s was an era where society inflicted standards that suppressed women mentally and physically. From birth, women had to overcome many cultural and societal boundaries because of their gender such as being told how to converse and clothe, and even who to marry. Women in those times lacked many rights such as freedom of speech, the right to an education, and skills that would help them become employed. Every stage of their lives was controlled by a male figure, starting with their fathers from birth to their husbands during marriage. Unfortunately, a womans ideal role for men was to perform domestic duties inside the house and other duties such as sexual deeds; a womans voice and concerns were never considered priority nor were given respect. The stories of ââ¬Å"The Story of an Hourâ⬠, by Kate Chopin and ââ¬Å"The Girls in Their Summer Dressesâ⬠, by Irwin Shaw, expose a dominating attitude towards women and illustrate how they could be trapped in unsatisfying marriages because of their husbands thoughtlessness, exploitation, and domination. The protagonists in these stories have accepted their roles in their marriages by being passive spouses. Kate Chopins ââ¬Å"The Story of an Hourâ⬠, is a story regarding a woman, Mrs. Mallard, who is trapped in a suppressing marriage and dreadfully wants to escape. This story describes an hour of freedom that has been given to her. Although a very short story, it seems like every sentence has an intense significance and meaning to it that makes the reader think in depth. Even though her husbands full name is given to the readers, ââ¬Å"Brently Mallardâ⬠, she is only referred to as ââ¬Å"Mrs. Mallardâ⬠, giving the hint of the oppression she had to go through and the degradation society enforced upon women in that time period. Mrs. Mallard, the protagonist of the story is troubled by her heart condition and is oppressed by her husband who loves her and does not want to purposely suppress authority, but sadly, it was the society that built the peoples personality and character, and set the standards in the nineteenth century. Interestingly enough, Chopin uses the techniqu e of foreshadowing in the first sentence of the story indicating the readers that something terrible is bound to happen to Mrs. Mallard, perhaps a heart affiliated problem. The quote,â⬠Knowing that Mrs. Mallard was afflicted with a heart trouble, great care was taken to break to her as gently as possible the news of her husbands death.â⬠(Chopin 1) misinforms readers in to believing that everything will be fine. Irony could be noticed from the way Mrs. Mallard acts in response to her husbands death. Normally when a widow is informed about their spouses death, they become sad and express their grief; however, when Mrs. Mallard heard the awful news from her sister Josephine, she accepted it and proceeded to her room where she could be alone. This allowed the reader to adopt a similar prospective through her point of view, a new life and a chance to live oppression free. When she proceeds to her room, she sits down on a roomy, comfortable arm chair facing the open window. The reader should instantly inquire the use of the term ââ¬Å"Comfortableâ⬠(Chopin 1), and question the fact that she is not miserable. While looking outside the window, she observed nature carefully symbolizing her excitement for a new life. The quote, ââ¬Å"She could see in the open square before her house the tops of trees that were all aquiver with the new spring lifeâ⬠¦ the delicious breath of rain was in the airâ⬠¦ the notes of distant songâ⬠¦ countless sparrows were twittering in the eavesâ⬠¦patches of the blue sky showing here and there through the cloudsâ⬠(Chopin 1) describes this scene adequately. At this point of the story the reader is puzzled by Chopins use of foreshadowing whether she is sad at all due to her observance of all the beautiful aspects of nature. While fantasizing about her new life, it seemed like her conscious was trying to put a stop to her happiness, leading her to realize that she was loved by her husband even though he was s uppressive time to time, his intentions were good; however, Chopin was trying to tell the readers she had only loved him time to time and that most of the time she had no love for him, as this quote describes, ââ¬Å"And yet she had loved him-sometimes. Often, she had not.â⬠(Chopin 2). Chopin confuses the reader by using another method of foreshadowing making the ending even more surprising, ââ¬Å"She breathed a quick prayer that life might be long.â⬠(Chopin 2), and that she considers herself to be a ââ¬Å"Goddess of victoryâ⬠(Chopin 2). Chopin uses an ironic ending for her story when Mrs. Mallard is surprised to death when her husband enters the house looking perfectly healthy without even knowing the accident took place. The paradox prolongs when the readers find out that she dies due to heart disease caused by joy. Earlier when she heard the agonizing news of her husbands death, she was fairly pleased of the idea of being free, having no authority figure gover ning her life; however, she was not eager to go through that life again, causing her to die once she saw her husband alive. Irwin Shaws, ââ¬Å"The Girls in Their Summer Dressesâ⬠, depicts a couple whose marriage is in jeopardy due to the husbands lack of consideration for his wifes feelings. The story starts with the protagonist of the story, Frances, and her husband, Michael, enjoying a walk on a Sunday afternoon in New York City, part of Francess plans to spend the whole day alone with her husband as deliberated initially. While walking down the street, Frances caught her husband checking out a pretty girl who leads her to protest against it, ââ¬Å"Shes not so prettyâ⬠¦Anyway, not pretty enough to take a chance breaking your neck looking at her.â⬠(Shaw 1). When confronted of his actions, Michael carelessly replies, ââ¬Å"I look at everythingâ⬠¦I look at women and menâ⬠¦I casually inspect the universe.â⬠(Shaw 2). This statement provides the readers with an idea of Michaels character who is the dominating figure in the story, who is lacking respect for his wife and is explo iting her weakness of not ending their relationship. Divorce was uncommon in the early 1900s even when men commit adultery. Francess feelings were depicted well as the author wrote, ââ¬Å"She began to cryâ⬠¦someday youre going to make a moveâ⬠¦Michael didnt say anything. He sat watching the bartender slowly peel a lemon.â⬠(Shaw 4). Irrationally, Michael lets Frances know that ââ¬Å"Sometimes I [Michael] would like to be freeâ⬠(Shaw 4), and that eventually one day hell ââ¬Å"make a moveâ⬠(Shaw 4). Unfortunately, Michael treated women as objects who were merely around to perform sexual favours, he even depicted his wife as a sexual object when they arrived at a bar for some drinks, as this quote describes, ââ¬Å"She got up from the table and walked across the roomâ⬠¦Michael watched her walk, thinking, what a pretty girl, what nice legs.â⬠(Shaw 4). Interestingly enough, Michael turns everything around by stating ââ¬Å"Its a nice day and we both feel good and theres no reason why we have to break it up.â⬠(Shaw 4), by declaring this, Michael blames the fact that their day is turning out to be unpleasant on Frances, and due to her has low self-esteem and insecurity, she accepts the claim by saying, ââ¬Å"All right. I dont know why I started this. Lets drop it. Lets have a good time.â⬠(Shaw 2). By stating this, Frances portrayed herself to be a submissive individual; meanwhile, Michael was careless and disrespectful. Throughout the nineteenth century, a womans purpose was merely based on performing domestic duties in their homes, and they did not contribute to the household income in any way. Women were dishonoured and exploited by men to a point that they were simply degraded to a childs level in society. Excessive male dominance and authority guided countless women getting the sensation of feeling trapped in their household, incapable to flee from the imprisonment enforced upon them by their spouses. The stories, ââ¬Å"The Story of an Hourâ⬠, and ââ¬Å"The Girls in Their Summer Dressesâ⬠, both depict tolerable house wives who are dominated and exploited by their husbands and have acquiesced to their role in their relationship and are submissive individuals who do not rise up and rebel against their husbands. These stories truthfully exemplify how women in the 19th century had to accept their husbands for who they were, and did not have many alternatives other than accepting to live with the repression until death did them apart.
Saturday, July 20, 2019
The Name Of War, Jill Lepore Essay -- essays research papers
Book Review The Name of War: King Philip's War and the Origins of American Identity Our history books continue to present our country's story in conventional patriotic terms. America being settled by courageous, white colonists who tamed a wilderness and the savages in it. With very few exceptions our society depicts these people who actually first discovered America and without whose help the colonists would not have survived, as immoral, despicable savages who needed to be removed by killing and shipping out of the country into slavery. In her book, The Name of War: King Philip's War and the Origins of American Identity, Jill Lepore tells us there was another side to the story of King Philipââ¬â¢s War. She goes beyond the actual effects of the war to discuss how language, literacy, and privilege have had lasting effects on the legacy that followed it. In 1675, tensions between Native Americans and colonists residing in New England erupted into the brutal conflict that has come to be known as King Philip's War, the bloodiest battle in America history, in proportion to population it was also the deadliest war in American history. The English colonists wished to rid the country of the Indians in order to seize their land. They believed the Indians were savages and therefore were not worthy of equal rights. The English took their land and disrupted their traditional systems of trade and agriculture. As a result, the power of native religious leaders was corrupted. The Indians we...
Shakespeares Othello - Iagoââ¬â¢s Motives Plus Othelloââ¬â¢s Weaknesses Equals Tragedy :: GCSE English Literature Coursework
Iagoââ¬â¢s Motives Plus Othelloââ¬â¢s Weaknesses Equals Tragedyà à à In some ways, Shakespeareââ¬â¢s play, Othello can be considered didactic as in the case in classical tragedy, the heroââ¬â¢s falls arises as fault of a hamartia on his part, a fault which plagues humanity. In fact, throughout the work, Othello is revealed to have many more faults and weaknesses than a man of his stature should posses, providing a reason for his downfall. The workââ¬â¢s main protagonist, the scheming Iago, ultimately has his own reasons for his actions; actions that, at first, might appear to be inherently evil and motiveless. A third variable here, the role of the setting, and its part in the tragedy also helps to explain the reasons for it. Through Iagoââ¬â¢s motives, and Othelloââ¬â¢s inherit weaknesses, the tragedy of the play is meaningful for the audience. By examining Iagoââ¬â¢s actions and his soliloquies the audience is able to discern that Iago does indeed have motives for his actions, however weak they may be. Despite Iago recognising that indeed the moor ââ¬Ëis of a free and open natureââ¬â¢ (Oth Act 1 Sc. 3 ll. 381), he still does despise him. Iago has to be examined closer to discover his motives: of course, he is jealous of Cassioââ¬â¢s appointment as Othelloââ¬â¢s lieutenant and this is an ultimate irony in itself as he later mocks Othello for his own jealousy, having succumbed to the ââ¬Ëgreen-eyed monsterââ¬â¢. There is also of course Iagoââ¬â¢s blatant racial slurs and hatred towards Othello, and his paranoia regarding the supposed infidelity of his wife, ââ¬ËAnd it is thought abroad that ââ¬Ëtwixt my sheets heââ¬â¢s done my officeââ¬â¢ (Oth Act 1 Sc. 3 ll. 369-370). However, the latter excuse may seem less reasonable, considering that Iago also utters later that he believes that Cassio has also slept with his wife. Iagoââ¬â¢s attitude to the subject, contrasting with Othelloââ¬â¢s view of sex as a unifying force, is that it is something inherently dirty and revolting, increasing his paranoia . Iagoââ¬â¢s main vice however is his lust for power. Ultimately, his aim is not to rise to the rank of lieutenant, but to go as far as he is able to. This point is justified by his plotting not only against Cassio, the man who holds his coveted position, but Othello, the general of the Venetian army himself. Ultimately, Iago is surprised by how easy it becomes to manipulate Othello and by the end of the play is even a little sorry for the ease at which his plan has come to fruition.
Friday, July 19, 2019
Narrative Essay: she always laughs... :: Example Personal Narratives
she always laughs... Suicide makes me think of my grandmother and uncle whom I never met. Each took their lives before I was born. I spoke with my mother about Grandma Ruth yesterday evening. She delights in telling me how much Grandma Ruth would have loved me. We didn't talk about her often. She died when my mother was a junior in high school. My mother always refered to her as "my mother", so it wasn't until I was a teen that I came up with a name for her. My grandfathers are called by their last names: Grandpa P. and Grandpa R. My other grandmother was called Amah and her husband was Poppa. One day I had a question about my mother's mother and I refered to her as Grandma Ruth. That has been what we have called her ever since. Apparently, on the day she died, she woke up in the morning and gave her husband a dollar, instructing him to send their oldest child to college. Then she took the bus to the bridge where she jumped. My grandfather saved that dollar all these years, but has lost it in the past decade. We have four possessions which formerly belonged to Grandma Ruth. She was schizophrenic and spent half of every year in a mental hospital; we have a sock doll she made in the institution. We have a wonderful pair of green sunglasses she wore; both of the nose pieces are broken off. My grandfather had her wedding ring made into a necklace, which he gave to my mother a few years ago. The fourth item is a large gold cross. The voice my grandmother heard in her head was the voice of god. It was no doubt the voice that told her that she needed to leave this planet. Grandma Ruth and I would have gotten along so well. I would have curled up on a chair in the kitchen while she baked cookies. We would have laughed and gossiped and she would have put flowers in my hair. I would have squaled with a giddy happiness every time she began a story with, "When your mother was little..." I don't know many stories about when my mother was little. She has forgotten most everything, and even now her memory is terrible.
Thursday, July 18, 2019
Industry Analysis Paper
Athletic Footwear Industry Analysis When you think of athletic footwear what are your first thoughts? Nike? Under armor? Skechers? K-Swiss? All these companies have a common type of product/category called athletic footwear that they all sell and make a huge profit from. Throughout our analysis we will focus primarily on the United States Market industry compared to the International industry in athletic footwear/ running shoes. Within the United States there is a wide variety of different types of shoes but one of the most trend setting shoes that provide the most income are athletic footwear/ running shoes.The United States has over 10 billion dollars of revenue of profit that the athletic footwear industry provides and is one of the largest markets for athletic apparel and footwear in the world, which will provide a sufficient analysis for us to determine (Athletic Shoe Stores in the US: Market Research Report, IBISWorld 1999). This will allow us to focus on a market that we are f amiliar with and will penetrate the industry down to make a more accurate analysis on the industry athletic footwear/ running shoes. We will be analyzing women and menââ¬â¢s retail running shoes through their industry activities.This will declare an accurate competition level between different competitors throughout the industryââ¬â¢s products. Athletic running footwear has had an extreme demand of athletic apparel due to increasing number of athletes and the growing health awareness among the people of the US (Ken Research in Footwear, Market Research 2013). There is more of a demand for womenââ¬â¢s running shoes compared to men with the increase of interest to jogging/running for the women population (Ken Research in Footwear, Market Research 2013). We will be analyzing all aspects of the United States industry within the men and womenââ¬â¢s attire of running footwear.Some of the trends in the general environment of the athletic footwear industry are the economic clima te, healthy and active lifestyle, and fashion trends. In every retail industry the current state of the economy can greatly affect the environment. If the economy is in a depression that effects the shopping patterns of their consumers and as a result becomes a threat to the industry. The athletic footwear industry took a hit when the recession decelerated the US economy in 2008 (Smith). Many Americanââ¬â¢s were struggling financial which led to the athletic footwear industry to take a hit in their profit margins as well.Companies had to discount their products to keep a high volume of sales (Smith). The economic climate also plays a role in the rising population and disposable income levels of consumers. In 2010, consumers felt more confident financially by having more disposable income and began purchasing items like athletic footwear more frequently (Smith). The industry was able to gain leverage to increase prices and focus the consumer on quality and not price (Smith). The i ncreased level of income allows consumers to afford a premium-priced shoe which is driving the industryââ¬â¢s profit margins today (Smith).Both income levels and general population are continuously growing which becomes an opportunity for the industry to capture as much of the market as possible. Another trend that is affecting the industry is the healthy and active lifestyle. Obesity is at an all-time high and the lifestyle of healthy living is becoming a major part of our culture (Smith). This trend has encouraged consumers to exercise more and therefore need athletic shoes (Smith). This is a major opportunity for the industry because their product is directly related to the culture change we are headed in.Finally fashion trends have become a big role in the footwear industry. The market is in demand for innovative designs, styles, and celebrity endorsements. Some consumers in the industry are looking for footwear that is specifically made to help them perform better while othe rs look for shoes as a fashion trend. The current trend of light weight footwear is attractive to runners because it helps them perform better. The industry is currently thriving on profit from running shoes (Townsend). And in 2010 sales surged when the trend of light weight shoes with styles of neon hues hit the market (Townsend).Consumers are now wearing those bright colored shoes as a fashion trend whether it be on the track or on the city sidewalks (Adams). They are not afraid to pay up for shoes that are comfortable and trendy (Townsend). The industry also uses celebrities in marketing their products to reach consumers. Athletes like Michael Jordan and Lace Armstrong contributed to the success of athletic shoe companies. Many consumers look up to these athletes for motivation and in return will buy shoes because they are wearing the same style or brand of shoe.These trends are an opportunity for the industry because it allows companies to fill the need of consumers and in retur n they become profitable. The first threat identified by the five forces framework is the threat of new entrants. New entrants are firms that have either recently started operating in an industry or that threaten to begin operations in an industry soon. The athletic footwear industry is a very difficult industry to come into. This is because of the market in which the footwear industry operates, is highly saturated.This saturated market combined with the economies of scale in production, research and development, and marketing make a company have to operate in large scale to be cost effective in the industry (Athletic Footwear: Industry Analysis). Also, the main companies in this industry have major cost advantages independent of scale. Their management know-how that they have developed over the years united with their learning curve allows them to dominate this industry (Athletic Footwear: Industry Analysis). The second threat is the threat of rivalry, which is the intensity of com petition among a firmââ¬â¢s direct competitors, is high for this industry.The main factor of the competitiveness of the industry is due to the fact that industry rivals compete aggressively against one another for vital market share. The athletic shoe industry is very old and companies must focus on market share rather than concentrating on market growth. The athletic footwear market is expected to grow at a continual annual growth rate of 1. 8% from 2011 to 2018 to reach 84. 4 billion by 2018 (PRWeb). Non-athletic footwear is the largest market segment and is expected to grow faster than the athletic footwear sector.Various fashion trends in the market, such as demand for innovative designs and styles and celebrity endorsement, is driving the non-athletic footwear market (PRWeb). This new trend in the footwear industry makes the way companies compete vary vastly from company to company. Innovative companies such as Nike strive for product differentiation as well as massive marke ting strategies, but other brands such as Sketchers attempt to capture the low budget appeal. 70% of the market share is made up of the top five players which include Nike, Adidas, Reebok, Puma and New Balance (PRWeb).Other key companies are Asics, Converse, Sketchers and K-Swiss. The popularity of local manufacturers and growing piracy in developing countries remains the major challenge for global footwear manufacturers (PRWeb). With the new trend of switching from athletic footwear to non-athletic footwear, it makes the threat of substitution very high. The consumersââ¬â¢ ability to buy a non-athletic shoe is effortless, especially due to the increased focus on value for money and looking for simple, hard-wearing shoes that last (Report Linker). When it comes to the suppliers in the athletic shoe industry it has a low threat to the companies.There are a large number of firms that are able to supply the materials and basic needs of the companies. To add onto the limited threat c aused by the suppliers, their industry is not dominated by a small number of firms. The athletic footwear companies are able to exert their extensive power over their suppliers on the three homogeneous raw materials of cotton, rubber, and foam needed to make a shoe (Athletic Footwear: Industry Analysis). Even though the threat of suppliers is not an issue for this industry, the buyers can play a key factor when it comes to the decision making process.Buyers have a low threat risk because of the vast number of individual buyers, but there are few switching costs for them to switch to a new shoe brand. This causes companies in this industry to focus on the buyerââ¬â¢s needs and wants when it comes to designing a shoe. The five forces model shows that overall profitability can be high for this industry. The cost it takes to produce the actual shoe itself is very low, but the limited amount of major companies that are continually rivaling one another allow them to dominate this indus try and make it extremely difficult for new comers to last.The knowledge and skills that companies such as Nike have acquired over the years allow them to stay on top as well. The companies low production costs and high markup costs allow those firms in this industry to thrive to the point of their limits. But because these companies have grown so large, they must compete viciously against one another for the same customers. The main competitors of Nike in the shoe industry are K-Swiss, Skechers, and Under Armour. These are the publicly traded companies and are in direct competition in shoes. Nike dominates the market and has 42% of domestic market share in the United States (Articlebase).Recent net sales reports Nike at $24. 12 billion (Market Watch), K-Swiss at $268. 36 million, Skechers at $1. 56 billion, and Under Armour at $1. 83 billion. Nike has been the leader the shoe industry since 1980 when it gained 50% of United States market share (MyBizIQ. com). They have maintained t he position as leaders in the shoe industry. Nike has become experts in segmentation and targeting their market (NikeRepository. com). Works Cited ââ¬Å"A Marketing Case Study on Nike. â⬠Articlebase. (2012): n. page. Web. 24 Feb. 2013. . Adams, Brittany. ââ¬Å"Running Shoes Get The High Fashion Treatment. â⬠à Style File RSS. Style. com, 19 July 2012. Web. 24 Feb. 2013. < http://www. style. com/stylefile/2012/07/running-shoes-get-the-high-fashion-treatment/>. ââ¬Å"Annual Financials for Nike Inc. Cl B. â⬠Market Watch (2011): n. pag. Web. 13 Feb 2013. . ââ¬Å"Athletic Shoe Stores in the US: Market Research Report. â⬠à Athletic Shoe Stores in theUS Market Research. N. p. , n. d.Web. 21 Feb. 2013. Athletic Footwear: Industry Analysis. 1 May 2006. 16 February 2013 . ââ¬Å"Nike, Inc. History and Information. â⬠NikeRepository. com. N. p. , 2010. Web. Web. 13 Feb. 2013. . PRWeb. Global Athletic Footwear Industry Analyzed by Transparency Market Research. 26 October 2012. 13 February 2013 .Report Linker. Footwear Industry: Market Research Reports, Statistics and Analysis. 12 February 2013 . Smith, Gavin. ââ¬Å"Athletic Shoe Stores in the US Industry Market Research Report Now Available from IBISWorld. â⬠Athletic Shoe Stores in the US Industry Market Research Report Now Available from IBISWorld. PRWeb, 30 Nov. 2012. Web. 24 Feb. 2013. . ââ¬Å"Swooshing to Success. â⬠MyBizIQ. com. (2013): n. page. Print. . The US Athletic Apparel and Footwear Industry Outlook to 2015 ââ¬â Evolving Niche Segments in Sportswear. â⬠à By Ken Research in Footwear, Sports Apparel, Apparel. N. p. , n. d. Web. 12 Feb. Townsend, Matt. ââ¬Å"Fashion Spurs Sales of Athletic Shoes. â⬠à Bangor Daily News RSS. Bloomberg News, 26 May 2012. Web. 24 Feb. 2013. .
Wednesday, July 17, 2019
Reflection on “The Children’s March”
As I watched the video entitled, The Childrens March, I just sat with mouth vindicated as I watched the implicit inscription and passion for a cause. The kids decided to soak up the cause when the adults sat and did zero point in an effort to put an barricade to segregation in Birmingham, Alabama. As a teacher who strives to make multicultural instruction a daily routine in spite of appearance the classroom, I re all toldy think somewhat how a unit in culturedised rights would be of huge benefit to kids in the 2nd and 3rd grades. This go down on to me is an age where they still have some of their familiar tactual sensation that there is inherent keen in everyone.It, unfortunately, is also an age where some students witness or experience racism on variant level, whether it is towards a relative, or towards themselves. I think about the absolute power and solidarity that kids can find in watching a video corresponding this as part of a civil rights unit and how it c an often work out solidarity and belief in whats right to a classroom. I have personally seen this in a 3rd grade classroom that my son was in 2 eld ago and it served to jump-start a belief within the classroom that we ar all in this together.It really do for a cohesive and caring classroom atmosphere and the 3rd graders really seemed to go through the true dynamics of the civil rights faecal matter. slightly very endearing conversations were had amidst my son and his p argonnts and to this day, his visualizeing of racism and the civil rights movement is an understanding of equality and concern that it could make pass again. As a Jew, he is in time more in tune with this so has mad a connection between this movement and the Statement, Never Again as was uttered by millions of Jews before they were killed in the German gas chambers.One of the things that strikes me as an educator is a similarity in what the kids did in Birmingham, and the approach that I believe go away have to happen in ordain to create truly multicultural classrooms. origin and foremost, too many of our educators that have been teaching method for a long time are not prepared for change in the classroom. In our staff developments, more care needs to be paid to having a truly inclusive multiculturally several(a) classroom. Secondly, we are going to have to learn from our students. They come to us each year with a wealth of experiences and beliefs.It is our job as educators to bit out how to best make that funny characteristic a part of our diverse learning community within the classroom. If our kids are so accepting of each former(a) and the similarities and differences that we all bring into the school, then we as educators need to realize that creates an initial sting within our classroom that is hard to break. average as our parents disliked having people of color, or people with different sexual preferences around, our children at present are growing up with that wo rld and they really dont think anything of itBeing in a class with kids of different ethnic backgrounds is part of the unique tapestry of that class. Ultimately, having a classroom where multicultural diversity is our righteousness as educators. There will ever so be stumbling blocks that try to derail that effort, exactly as our kids overcome those barriers, so shall we as teachers. Let the kids help us understand that were really no so different and that all any kid wants to do is learn and be accepted for who they are.. a kid
Product analysis Samsung Galaxy S4 Essay
Nowadays, it is a common scene to see everybody keeps his /her ear attached to a cell name. Of disco biscuit, they atomic number 18 doing it at the risk of an accident, loss of human relationship or studies. Intimate friendships of our p bents younger days ar at hotshot time lost and it is now reduced to an SMS or quick talk. Keeping addresses of our intimates is now lost.Writing letters is tending(p) up. Human relationship and mental concentration are now replaced by electronic connections. It is a accompaniment that having a runny phone now a days is a sort of necessity and it is an inescapable truth that brisk industry is taking everyones mind by a storm. From the very sanctioned thing of making a call(a), texting, and now lucre access for just a touch of your fingertips.Do you cede one of these? I do suffer one of those too and I wont deny the fact that I enjoy victimization them. So as one of the million subscribers of this engineering I willing share you some o f the advantages and disadvantages I found, out of having a smooth phone. A mobile phone ( excessively cognize as a cellular phone, cell phone, and a hand phone) is a stratagem that can make and receive foretell calls over a radio link while abject round a wide geographic area. It does so by connecting to a cellular network provided by a mobile phone operator, allowing access to the customary headphone network.By contrast, a cordless telephone is used only within the short upchuck of a single, private base station. In humanitarian to telephone, modern mobile phones also support a wide variety of another(prenominal) services much(prenominal) as text messaging, MMS, email, Internet access, short- cat tuner communications (infrared, Bluetooth), business applications, gaming and photography. Mobile phones that advise these and more(prenominal) general computing capabilities are referred to as smartphones.The first of all hand-held mobile phone was show by John F. Mitche ll and Dr Martin Cooper of Motorola in 1973, exploitation a handset weighing around 2.2 pounds (1 kg). In 1983, the DynaTAC 8000x was the first to be commercially available. From 1990 to 2011, cosmoswide mobile phone subscriptions grew from 12.4 million to over 6 billion, bully about 87% of the global population and reaching the bottom of the economic pyramid.II. The Company BackgroundSamsung multitude (Hangul Hanja Korean pronunciation sam.s up) is a in the south Korean multinationalconglomerate federation designatequartered in Samsung Town, capital of southmost Korea. It comprises legion(predicate) subsidiaries and interact businesses, most of them united under the Samsung brand, and is the largest southmost Korean chaebol. Samsung was founded by downwind Byung-chull in 1938 as a job federation.Over the next three decades the conclave alter into areas including food processing, textiles, insurance, securities and retail. Samsung entered the electronics industry i n the latterly 1960s and the look and shipbuilding industries in the mid-1970s these areas would driveway its subsequent growth. Following Lees expiry in 1987, Samsung was stranded into four business groups Samsung crowd, Shinsegae stem, CJ assemblage and Hansol assembly. Since the mid-nineties Samsung has increasingly globalised its activities, and electronics, particularly mobile phones and semiconductors, has rifle its most important source of income.Notable Samsung industrial subsidiaries include Samsung Electronics (the domains largest reading engineering caller-out calculated by 2012 revenues), Samsung Heavy Industries (the worlds second-largest shipbuilder measured by 2010 revenues), and Samsung engineering and Samsung C&T (respectively the worlds 35th- and 72nd-largest construction companies).Other notable subsidiaries include Samsung Life damages (the worlds 14th-largest life insurance company), Samsung Everland (operator of Everland Resort, the oldest disc ipline park in southern Korea), Samsung Techwin (an aerospace and defence company) and Cheil oecumenical (the worlds 19th-largest advertising agency measured by 2010 revenues). Samsung has a powerful influence on southernmost Koreas economic development, politics, media and culture, and has been a major driving force behind the Miracle on the Han River. Its sort companies produce around a fifth of South Koreas total exports. Samsungs revenue was play off to 17% of the South Koreas $1082 billion GDP. light uponAccording to the founder of Samsung Group, the meaning of the Korean hanja articulate Samsung () is tristar or three stars. The word three represents something big, numerous and powerful the stars mean eternity. History1938 to 1970The headquarters of Samsung Sanghoesin Daegu in the late 1930s In 1938, Lee Byung-chull (19101987) of a large landowning family in the Uiryeong county came to the nearby Daegu city and founded Samsung Sanghoe (, ), a small trading company with forty employees set in Su-dong (now Ingyo-dong). It dealt in groceries produced in and around the city and produced its own noodles. The company prospered and Lee moved its head office to Seoul in 1947. When the Korean war broke out, however, he was forced to leave Seoul and started a sugar refinery in Busan named Cheil Jedang. after(prenominal) the war, in 1954, Lee founded Cheil Mojik and built the plant in Chimsan-dong, Daegu. It was the largest fleece mill ever in the country and the company took on the aspect of a major company. Samsung diversified into many an(prenominal) areas and Lee sought to help take a shit Samsung as an industry leader in a wide range of enterprises, moving into businesses such as insurance, securities, and retail. Lee placed great importance on industrialization, and focused his economic development strategy on a handful of large home(prenominal) conglomerates, defend them from competition and assisting them financially.In 1948, Cho Hong-jai (th e Hyosung groups founder) jointly invested in a new company called Samsung Mulsan Gongsa (), or the Samsung Trading Corporation, with the Samsung Group founder Lee Byung-chull. The trading firm grew to become the present-day Samsung C&T Corporation. But after some years Cho and Lee separated due to differences in management amidst them. He wanted to get up to a 30% group share. After settlement, Samsung Group was separated into Samsung Group and Hyosung Group, Hankook Tire, and others. In the late 1960s, Samsung Group entered into the electronics industry.It organize several electronics-related divisions, such as Samsung Electronics Devices Co., Samsung Electro-Mechanics Co., Samsung Corning Co., and Samsung Semiconductor & Telecommunications Co., and do the knack in Suwon. Its first product was a black-and-white television set set. 1970 to 1990The SPC-1000, introduced in 1982, was Samsungs first personal electronic computer (Korean market only) and uses an audio cassette mem orialize to load and save data the floppy drivewas optional. In 1980, Samsung acquired the Gumi-based Hanguk Jeonja Tongsin and entered the telecommunications hardware industry. Its early products were switchboards.The facility were developed into the telephone and fax manufacturing systems and became the centre of Samsungs mobile phone manufacturing. They have produced over 800 million mobile phones to date.The company grouped them together under Samsung Electronics Co., Ltd. in the 1980s. After the founders death in 1987, Samsung Group was separated into four business groups Samsung Group, Shinsegae Group, CJ Group and Hansol Group. Shinsegae (discount store, surgical incision store) was originally part of Samsung Group, separated in the 1990s from the Samsung Group along with CJ Group (Food/Chemicals/Entertainment/logistics) and the Hansol Group (Paper/Telecom). Today these separated groups are independent and they are not part of or connected to the Samsung Group. peerless Hans ol Group representative said, Only people brute of the laws governing the business world could believe something so absurd, adding, When Hansol separated from the Samsung Group in 1991, it severed all payment guarantees and share-holding ties with Samsung affiliates. unrivaled Hansol Group source asserted, Hansol, Shinsegae, and CJ have been under independent management since their respective separations from the Samsung Group. One Shinsegae Department Store executive director said, Shinsegae has no payment guarantees associated with the Samsung Group.In the 1980s, Samsung Electronics began to invest heavily in research and development, investments that were pivotal in pushing the company to the forefront of the global electronics industry. In 1982, it built a television assembly plant in Portugal in 1984, a plant in New York in 1985, a plant in Tokyo in 1987, a facility in England and another facility in capital of Texas in 1996. As of 2012, Samsung has invested more than US$13 b illion in the capital of Texas facility, which operates under the name Samsung Austin Semiconductor LLC. This makes the Austin location the largest foreign investment in Texas and one of the largest singleforeign investments in the United States. 1990 to 2000Samsung Group headquarters at Samsung Town, SeoulSamsung started to rise as an international plenty in the 1990s. Samsungs construction branch was awarded a contract to build one ofthe two Petronas Towers in Malaysia, Taipei 101 in Taiwan and the Burj Khalifa in United Arab Emirates. In 1993, Lee Kun-hee interchange off ten of Samsung Groups subsidiaries, downsized the company, and merged other trading operations to concentrate on three industries electronics, engineering, and chemicals.In 1996, the Samsung Group reacquired the Sungkyunkwan University foundation. Samsung became the largest producer of remembering chip shots in the world in 1992, and is the worlds second-largest chipmaker after Intel (seeWorldwide Top 20 Semi conductor Market Share Ranking course of instruction by Year). In 1995, it created its first liquid-crystal display screen. hug drug years later, Samsung grew to be the worlds largest manufacturer of liquid-crystal display panels.Sony, which had not invested in large-size TFT-liquid crystal displays, contacted Samsung to cooperate, and, in 2006, S-LCD was open as a joint venture mingled with Samsung and Sony in order to provide a still supply of LCD panels for both manufacturers. S-LCD was owned by Samsung (50% plus 1 share) and Sony (50% minus 1 share) and operates its factories and facilities in Tangjung, South Korea. As on 26 declination 2011 it was announced that Samsung had acquired the stake of Sony in this joint venture. Compared to other major Korean companies, Samsung survived the 1997 Asian financial crisis relatively un disabilityed.However, Samsung Motor was sold to Renault at a meaningful loss. As of 2010, Renault Samsung is 80.1 share owned by Renault and 19. 9 percent owned by Samsung. Additionally, Samsung manufactured a range of aircraft from the 1980s to 1990s. The company was founded in 1999 as Korea Aerospace Industries (KAI), the result of merger between then three domestic major aerospace divisions of Samsung Aerospace, Daewoo Heavy Industries, and Hyundai Space and Aircraft Company. However, Samsung still manufactures aircraft engines and gasoline turbines.2000 to 2013The Samsung pavilion at Expo 2012In 2001 Samsung Techwin became the mend supplier of a combustor module for the Rolls-Royce Trent 900 used by the Airbus A380, the worlds largest passenger airliner. Samsung Techwin is also a revenue-sharing participant in the Boeings 787 Dreamliner GEnx engine program. In 2010, Samsung announced a 10-year growth strategy centred around five businesses.One of thesebusinesses was to be focused on biopharmaceuticals, to which the Company has committed 2.1 trillion. In December 2011, Samsung Electronics sold its hard disk drive (HDD) business to Seagate. In the first quarter of 2012, Samsung Electronics became the worlds largest mobile phone maker by unit sales, passing Nokia, which had been the market leader since 1998. In the haughty twenty-first edition of the Austin American-Statesman, Samsung confirmed plans to spend 3 to 4 billion dollars converting half of its Austin chip manufacturing plant to a more profitable chip.The change should start in early 2013 with production on line by the end of 2013. On August 24, 2012, 9 U.S jurors ruled that Samsung had to pay apple compound US$1.05 billion dollars in damages for violating sixsome of its patents on smartphone technology. The award was still less than the US$2.5 billion dollars requested by Apple.The decision also ruled that Apple didnt violate 5 Samsung patents that were in the caseSamsung decried the decision saying that the move could harm innovation in the sector. It also followed a South Korean ruling that said both companies were blameable of infringing on each others keen property. In the first trading after the ruling, Samsung shares on the Kospi index fell 7.7%, the largest fall since October 24, 2008, to 1,177,000 Korean won. Apple then sought to ban the sales of eighter from Decatur Samsung phones ( galaxy S 4G, Galaxy S2 AT&T, Galaxy S2 Skyrocket, Galaxy S2 T-Mobile, Galaxy S2 Epic 4G, Galaxy S Showcase, Droid wake and Galaxy Prevail) in the United States which has been denied by the court.On September 4, 2012, Samsung announced it plans to examine all of its Chinese suppliers for possible violations of labor policies. The company said it will carry out audits of 250 Chinese companies that are its max suppliers to see if children under the age of 16 are being used in their factories.Samsung Electronics Co., Ltd. (Korean ) is a South Korean multinational electronics company headquartered in Suwon, South Korea. It is the flagship subsidiary of the Samsung Group and has been the worlds largest information technolog y company by revenues since 2009.Samsung Electronics has assembly plants and sales networks in 61 countries and employs around 221,000 people. Samsung has previously been known for its position as a manufacturer for many electrical components suchas semiconductors,chips, flash memory and hard drive devices. Samsung Electronics has actively expanded in consumer markets moving away from its manufacturing roots. It has been the worlds largest television manufacturer since 2006 and the worlds largest maker of LCD panels for eight consecutive years. In recent years, Samsung has gained big position in the mobile phone and pad market, fuelled by its flagship Samsung Galaxy line of devices.The company is the worlds largest vendor of smartphones since 2011. Samsung has also established a prominent position in the tablet computer market, with the release of the Android-powered Samsung Galaxy Tab and Note 10.1.BIBLIOGRAPHYhttp// http// official website (http// ) http//
Tuesday, July 16, 2019
Matching Dell Case Analysis Essay
The PC betray up fag be analyse victimization porters volt Forces. The scratch intensity is holy terror or barriers of en soften. Here, the bane is towering and barriers argon broken. Although indis poseable brands bear the mass of the foodstuff, the be to manufacture be super belitt guide, and the outlays of these comp iodinents be declining ein truth year at 25% to 30%. The great need is relatively inexpensive, as well. Also, unbranded flannel shock PC graders let constrain frequent abroad showing any unity who arsehole arrest a PC could make believe gross sales. In buy Power, consumers lease great squeeze executive. at that place argon a mel humble consider of exploiters exclusively consumers gestate a bulky potpourri of brands to convey from and be pack perpetrate untold contract on companies to make ok toils at better prices. Customers in like manner bugger off humble shift costs. This get out on with loft y strike was as well as disperse amenable for the bustling price war as legion(predicate) companies shrink prices to train one about other and converge consumers. come through and throughr power was withal senior high schoolschool. Intel and Microsoft ran go about-monopolies in planning micro summonsors and operating(a) systems, respectively. By 1998, 96% of both(prenominal) PCs ran on Wintel. These deuce suppliers move gelt from on the whole PC companies and minify differentiation, as there were few substitutes and weensy options of switching to a nonher(prenominal) supplier. The fabrications horizontal surface of challenger reflected its infuriated arguing. As computing devices became more than than(prenominal) common, prerequisite rose, prices decreased, and take grew starchyer, boosting competitor mingled with manufacturers. This op eyeshot is fundamentally what sparked dells competitors to get wind to imitate their endureing warnmi ne and strive to discharge a private- opening(a) value for the approaching. Lastly, the brat of substitutes was minuscule just growing. Consumers were congruous reliant on PCs as they became commodities alone new-sprung(prenominal) technologies such(prenominal) as laptops, ain organisers, and smartphones among others were bottomland emerging. affair clipAlthough dell shell out to a various(a) sick of guest segments, they in general targeted the improve consumer, peck wise(p) closing curtain to computers. dell targeted them and treasured to ordurecel the uninitiate dealing buyer. Because dell change customized PCs at one magazine to the guest, they requisite to grapple severally computers specifications, so devising it uncorrectable for unseasoned users to certify their needs. dingles cozy place to its suppliers take c bed as a full-size utility. dell lay for suppliers to get back their yield facilities keep out to dingles to ma ximise the cleverness of ope proportionalityns. This allowed dingle and suppliers to work well with one a nonher, consolidation the administration and minimizing buffers. dingles curious performance influence is the protrude of the clay sculpture that whitethorn deter or so imitators. dell had the value of treatment speedy and macroscopical orders and take d hold having suppliers confide shipments now to customers in slightly cases. consummation dingles conquest with the straight off representative led to bes among the top of its competition in user ratings (Exhibit A), a ranking premier(prenominal)born in ratings for high-end PCs, and allowed them to set about the indorse and trine vagrant for commercialise dower in the US and population, respectively. The monetary statements that outgo barroom dingles utility atomic human activity 18 their history train ratios. Specifically, dells geezerhood of scroll is signifi layabouttly let d admit than competitors. Their low years of catalogue ratio correlates to a truly high fruit key on invested capital and return on equity. Comparisons with competitors can be tryn in the appurtenance (Exhibit B). headway beddells succeeder in pecuniary returns and quick attend has caused rivals to try to imitate their right away lay in go about to add-on a matched reinforcement and monetary standardized conquest. What is vexed to emulate in dingles nonplus and how can they concur itself in this invest and supplement pre aid harvest-tide for the future development this put? Alternatives dingle is the source of the manage computer simulation and knows the jurisprudence for success. dells in corporeal occupation influence with suppliers on a orbicular dental plate, doctor nidus on distri saveing straight to customers, king to efficaciously serve a several(a) customer base, and mightiness to provide high tone of voice PCs at relatively low pric es, has put them in a rugged moorage forrard of competitors. dingle knows their capabilities, their customers, and knows exactly to accent on work out statistical distri just nowion. IBM ranks aboard dingle in home(prenominal) and universal commercialize take. As the first to blob dingles nemesis of distri saveion, they took opening move immediately, responding with a vocalize accomplishment with distri barelyors and re venders called AAP. numerous study distributors and resellers distributively invested tens of millions of dollars intothis program, which could terminus in unchewable partnerships if successful. Compaq own the stupendousst market share in the patience for some time and are genuine to a number of segments.They in addition responded with their own posture, ODM, which is in addition in concurrence with distributors and resellers alike to IBMs, and guide onPlus, exchange straightway to humiliated and midsize companies. The community also latterly acquired declination, in which they would leverage their consanguinitys to sell aspirely to DEC customers and accounts. HP created their own figure cast with ESPP. Although their model was akin to IBM and Compaqs involving distributors and resellers, they specifically aimed to delight these partners. HP offered incentives and would make resellers and distributors a freehandedr part of the service. In result, 59% of resellers inform they were more uncoerced to get along HP products than IBM and Compaq. admittance may have been dells bounteousst brat as the worlds succor largest indicate seller behind dell. They even curtly surpassed dell in sales in 1994 and their eld of livestock was at 10 days, tho 3 behind dells 7 in 1998. entry served broadly personal users but began dowery large corporate accounts with entre study Accounts, Inc. in 1997. that in 1998, the company leprose this execution back as they could not afford to observe it up. Criteriadells Direct example had a belligerent advantage rivals could not soft emulate through their kindred with large enterprise customers and their unparalleled issue process that involves a conclusion relationship and localisation of function with suppliers. good word dingle is in a strong private-enterprise(a) position against its rivals because of the criteria of advantages in their model. dingles product process and close location and quislingism with suppliers on a globose scale is a standard that is very rocky to emulate. IBM, Compaq, and HP attempt their own versions of reign over statistical distribution models but failed to green groceries anywhere near the equal strength with pecuniary returns as dingle (Exhibit B). Also, these companies try to disunite into dingles bridle-path magical spell proceed sell sales, which showed it is baffling to condense on both methods and see the aforementioned(prenominal) success. admission was arguably t heir biggest nemesis but could not contend callable to their softness to serve large enterprise customers standardisedto Dell. throw of body processDell should spread over to taper on relatively low cost, spirit customized products through direct distribution. As engineering science and computers develop with more computer alternatives, they should adapt to producing a more diverse product pull in but embrace the same production and distribution process that has brought the hard so practically success and so far.
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